Welcome to the Mercer Island School District Online Payment System
Please use your Skyward Family Access user name and set your password where instructed below.
For access to individual student account:
Student's 7-digit ID number (example: 0123456, include leading zeros )
Student's last name (Use the typical capitalization, for example: Smith, Jones, McAdams, McDonald)
Due to the increased cost of credit card processing we are charging a small transaction fee of 2.5%. For large amounts fee will not exceed $20.00. Thank you
No fee if paid by checks or cash at schools or District Office.
1st Time Parents
Set your password to create an account.
Username: Your Skyward Parent Access username
Password: Set Password
It may take up to 24 hours after creating your Skyward Parent Access
account before being able to log in here.
1st Time Guests
A guest account allows you to make purchases unassociated with a
parent/student account.
Do not use a guest account if you have a student in Mercer Island School District
Create Account
Forgot Username or Password?
For questions regarding specific fines or fees, please contact your school building directly.

Visa, Mastercard, Discover
Thank you for paying online!